¡No Way José!

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adidas soccer
adidas soccer
What about the statistics for this World Cup? I think that is better left to the pro's but I have to record my favorite goals and favorite matches. So here they are: Favorite Goals: You have to separate these into individual vs. team efforts;
- For personal brilliance I have to start with Ronaldo's goal in Brazil's win over Ghana (3:0). Ronaldo bolted from the Ghana's defense, then beat the goalie and made a shot after beating a final desperate defender. The goal was even more amazing when you consider that it was Ronaldo's 15th in a World Cup breaking the all-time record.
- Then there is Beckman's goal in England's win over Ecuador (1:0). Beckman knows how to bend it!.
- Zidane was flawless in taking a couple of penalty shots that were crucial for France's wins. But Zidane's goal in France's win over Spain (3:0) was spectacular and showed that old Zidane could still mix it up with the youngsters.
- All the sports pundits agree, the best 2006 World Cup goal was Maxi Rodriguez goal in Argentina's win over Mexico (2:1). In a goal that defined the game, Maxi stopped the ball with his chest and while the ball was still in mid-air kicked a long-range bullet that totally surprised Mexican goalie Sanchez.
- For team efforts, I begin with the goal that Cambiasso scored after a tricky "taquito" from teammate Crespo in Argentina's trouncing over Serbia & Montenegro (6:0).
- A perfect example of a goal that involves team effort with personal talent was Torres' goal in Spain's win over the Ukraine (4:0) The goal was scored by Torres after teammate Puyol received a pass from another teammate and with a header passed it to Torres who scored a great shot.
- Klose was the top goal scorer at the 2006 World Cup. One of his best goals was scored in Germany's win over Ecuador (1:0) He was perfectly positioned and got a perfect pass from his teammates to finish it in an unstoppable cross shot.
Favorite Matches:
- Obviously, the final championship match between Italy vs. France (1:1)(5:3) there was enough drama in this game to keep the 2006 World Cup after-glow going for a few weeks.
- The semifinal between Portugal vs. France (0:1) was boring! The only goal was a penalty shot by Zidane, but this was one of the best matched teams in the World Cup. Both teams knew their adversaries and played with great respect for each other. How wonderful to see two great stars, Zidane and Figo sharing what was to be either one's last game. They had been teammates at Real Madrid for a number of years and they both had been named FIFA World Player of the Year, Zidane in 1998, 2000 & 2003 and Figo in 2001 with a second close to Zidane in 2000.
- The round of 16 match between Argentina vs. Mexico (2:1). Argentina was the favorite and Mexico had just squeaked in past the first round. The Mexican fans were not happy and the fact that their Coach was suspect Argentinean La Volpe made for a match full of intrigues. Argentina won but not easily, Mexico gave a valiant fight.
- The round of 16 match between England vs. Ecuador (1:0) How exciting to watch underdog Ecuador on its first ever World Cup battle it out against one of the all-time greats. Ecuador played fearlessly and almost advanced to the quarter-finals had it not been for an amazing goal by Beckman.
- The quarter final match between Germany vs. Argentina (1:1) (4:2). I think this would have been the dream championship match of the 2006 World Cup. How perfect if the host country Germany would have been in the final and how perfect if the final would have been between an European and a South American team. Argentina's was clearly better than Brazil in this World Cup. The game was closely disputed and ended in a 1:1 tie. Germany won the nervous shootout because of the coolness of its great goalie, Lehmann. In soccer, it doesn't get any more classic that that!
Just as in the Super bowl, add campaigns during the World Cup were great! Since I have been watching mostly the Spanish language TV coverage, I have seen mostly the very funny adds targeted to the US Latino market (Think Bud & Chevy!) But there were also a number of interesting add campaigns put on by soccer equipment manufacturers. Soccer equipment manufacturers? Soccer is a simple game played with what should be a simple ball. So what other equipment is there? If you are a poor kid from Africa, Asia or Latin America, there is none! Not so fast, there are shoes to be made and dreams to be sold! And the main selling is being done by the big three in soccer shoes and apparel: Nike, Puma & Adidas.
Video courtesy of nikesoccer.com via YouTube
Video courtesy of adidas soccer via YouTube
Video courtesy of adidas soccer via YouTube
The World Cup is over! What to do now? I wonder if there is some other "quirky" sports event, taking place in Europe, with some great American athletes that almost no one in the US knows or cares about?
Bueo creoque Materazzo le dijo
"africanode mierda" o alago porel estilo Pero Zidane siendo cmo "era" el mejor no podia reaccionar. Despues de todo el y todos los africanos estan yaacostumbrados alos insultos Y tambien a los "euros" de los europeos. >>Estoy segurade que el italianito lo insulto feo, pero los "mejores" no pueden perder si gloriade todauna vida por un insulto. Ya se sabraque paso.
Mientras tanto
I loveyou
xoxox maaaaaaa
"africanode mierda" o alago porel estilo Pero Zidane siendo cmo "era" el mejor no podia reaccionar. Despues de todo el y todos los africanos estan yaacostumbrados alos insultos Y tambien a los "euros" de los europeos. >>Estoy segurade que el italianito lo insulto feo, pero los "mejores" no pueden perder si gloriade todauna vida por un insulto. Ya se sabraque paso.
Mientras tanto
I loveyou
xoxox maaaaaaa
Bueno pues creo que el italano le dijo algo asi como "argelino de mierda" orthe like. Pero Zidane es el mejor y no puedehacer lo quehizo.Simplemente un atleta de su categoria no puede perder el control. Deberia estarmas acostumbrado a los insultos de los europeos. Asi como esta acostumbrado alos "euritos" que segana. En fin , el partido estuvo lejorde bueno y Zidane so coronode
Y que tal lode mi paisano Freire. Ya llevados en el tour. Mira que si quieres ser cantabro tienes que entusiasmarte con sus triunfos!
love you
love you
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